The SCOTdata portal simplifies the search and display process for resource sector companies across the globe. Users won’t need to know the names to generate a preferred playing field.
While company websites have detail, a cloud scale shortcut to the value drivers for entire groups of similar names is even better. An instant display of all operators within a jurisdiction alongside the primary metals' focus should help narrow the field. The real mission is to link valuation to source data on volume and grade, a statistical exercise which can precede a lot of qualitative judgment. A mix of labour intensity and machine learning will help us deliver a valuation framework for most earlier stage companies. Efficient capital allocation relies on standardisation and comparability – for the 70%+ of the universe of all names that remain pre-cash flow, this is the key challenge we aim to solve.
We’ll fill out our renewables segment too. Likewise with unlisted, privately held companies, we’ll build them out further as the site evolves. This is phase 1.
Our future releases are likely to include the following:
advanced searches
customised searches
company profiles
underlying resource data
privately-held company searches
M&A library of historic deals
newsletter for data anomalies
on-demand proprietary research
personal dashboards including saved searches and watchlists
Inevitably, some errors may have snuck into the data, so please be patient. Let us know. Stay connected with our updates by contacting us here. User feedback and comments are welcome.
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